Le Mans 2013: Audi vs. Toyota Analysis Pitstops part III

During the first part of my analysis I made the suggestion, that the #2 Audi tried to save fuel. Average topspeed and laptimes let me make this  idea work. In reality they had the most stops of all 5 cars.

But they seem to have a different strategy as you can see in the following table. I think it is fair to say, that everything above 12 laps/stint for the Audis is caused by the weather situation or a safety car period, while all more than 13 laps for Toyotas is unusual. Mr. Gauss would love this table, because it says, that #1 & #2 were set for 10 laps, while #3 was set for something between 10 and 11 laps – going faster, doing less laps and viceversa. Toyota #7 did the expected 12 lap job, but surprinsingly the #8 regularly did just 11 laps. The two parts before fit perfectly into the forming picture, that #1, #2 and #7 did what everyone had predicted, while #3 and #8 fitted into the gap between.

  Audi_1 Audi_2 Audi_3 Toyota_7 Toyota_8
No. Pitstops 33 35 31 30 31
Avg. No. Laps 10,2 9,5 11,2 11,6 11,2
<10 laps 5 4 1 3 2
No. 10 laps 14 20 11 0 2
No. 11 laps 8 6 12 4 16
No. 12 laps 1 2 2 15 6
No. 13 laps 2 1 0 4 1
>13 laps 3 2 5 4 4
